Vomiting and Diarrhoea in dogs - A recent outbreak.
Updated: Nov 9, 2022
Over the last couple of weeks we have seen an increase in cases of vomiting and diarrhoea coming into the practice - Here is our advice should your dog start to feel unwell.
Tips on managing vomiting and diarrhoea at home
The majority of dogs that have a bout of vomiting or diarrhoea will get over it quickly without veterinary attention and the following advice can aid that.
Feeding your dog a bland diet such as boiled fish/chicken and rice will help to keep their guts moving and repairing. We don't recommend starving them unless they are consistently vomiting everything you give them.
Make sure they have access to clean drinking water at all times as keeping them hydrated is important. - if your dog isn't a big drinker then add some extra water to their food.
Give them a probiotic paste that contains kaolin - you can purchase this over the counter here without an appointment.
If your dog is any of the following then we advise calling us at the first sign of vomiting:-
Very young
Very old
Already suffers from a chronic disease
Takes daily medication
If your dog has any of the following symptoms then we advise calling us for advice:-
If diarrhoea and vomiting is profuse and persistent.
If they are not eating.
they seem miserable.
if there is blood in their poo
If your dog does become dehydrated then they may require hospitalisation and fluid therapy.
Preventing it from spreading to other dogs is also important so we have increased the hygiene routine in our waiting area.
SAVSNET (Small Animal Veterinary Surveillance Network) are monitoring the situation and recent updates can be found on their website.