Grass Seeds - Summer's Little Dangers
Updated: Nov 9, 2022
Every year during June, July and into August, grass seeds take up a huge percentage of the work we do. Last year we removed grass seeds from around 50 dogs feet, ears, eyes and even lungs. They are nasty little things that look innocent but can cause all kinds of trouble. They have a pointy end which is great for piercing skin and then they are covered in barbs which means the grass seed can only move one way...inside your dog!
What can you do to prevent grass seed wounds?
Check your dog's feet after walking this time of year especially if you walk through fields. It's also best to check their ears and eyes for any signs of irritation and physically remove any grass seeds you find trapped in the fur. If you have a long-haired or curly-coated dog then check their fur all over. Once grass seeds get under your dog's skin, they can travel and migrate to all sorts of places in your dog's body causing sites of infection.
It's a good idea to keep your dog well-groomed. Those that have feathered fur between their toes should consider keeping the fur short.
What are the symptoms of grass seed wounds?
Grass seeds in ears
Constant shaking of the head
Redness in the ear
Tilting of the head
Grass seeds in eyes

Very swollen
Rubbing their eyes/face
Grass seed in feet
Constant licking between the toes
Red swollen lump on top of the foot
Lameness in one leg
Grass seed in noses
Constant sneezing
Nose bleeding
Rubbing their face along the ground
We want to see your dog if they are showing any of the above signs.
Grass seed irritations are not something to ignore, the damage they have the potential to cause is very serious.