10 reasons I Love Being a Veterinary Nurse
Veterinary Nursing is one of the most popular and rewarding career options for animal lovers. Here's why Lindsey loves her job.

A bit about me. My name is Lindsey and I’m a second-year Veterinary Nurse student and I have a Western Hermann tortoise called Dobby. I’ve always had a passion for animals and have wanted to be a veterinary nurse since I was in school. After many years working as a Child Care Nurse, three years ago I was able to change to my dream career and I am finally on my way to becoming a Registered Veterinary Nurse.
It is so varied: I am a nurse, anaesthetist, phlebotomist, groomer, dog walker, laboratory technician, administrator, counsellor, radiographer, animal advocate, infection control officer, teacher, friend and of course a cuddle buddy!
Every day is different: From routine neutering to emergency critical care cases. We are constantly on the go and always prepared for what is about to walk (or be carried!) in the door.

The patients: I love animals and that is why I joined the veterinary nursing career. I love comforting and nursing the patients when they are poorly or recovering from an anaesthetic. Some can be more challenging than others to bond with, but it makes me even more determined to succeed. I especially find this on my night shifts when you take sole responsibility for their care and wellbeing. They may be unsure of me to begin with but in the end, we are best of friends. Taking the time to sit with them when they are feeling sad, to cuddle, talk and groom them, all helps to improve their mental wellbeing and helps their recovery
I am learning every day! From learning how to place an intravenous catheter to how the heart functions. Everything is exciting with something new every day and I love it.
The DGVG family: There is definitely no ‘I’ in TEAM. We all work together so well and are constantly in sync. When emergency cases come in, we are all-hands-on-deck and everyone works great together. We all support each other and someone is always there if you need to talk, whether it’s a challenging work task, a hard case or personal life. We are there for each other.

The ability to progress in the Veterinary field is great: When qualified, there are plenty of opportunities to expand your knowledge. Further education, day courses, seminars and much more. I would love to do the surgical nursing course when I qualify, so I can do schedule 3 procedures like stitch-ups and minor surgeries.
The rainbow bridge: Whilst the amazing Veterinary team I am part of do absolutely everything they can to help the animal recover, sadly some just don’t make it. This can be a difficult topic to talk about, but there is something really special about supporting patients at the end of their life, treating them with love and respect and maintaining their dignity. I take pride in comforting their owners, helping to preserve their wonderful memories of their beloved pet by carefully taking pawprints for them to remember them by.

It is such a rewarding job: Unfortunately, sometimes we don’t get the outcomes we hope for but when we do it's so rewarding. The lovely feeling you get when you have been nursing an inpatient that has been in hospital for a while, and they finally get to go home or has emergency surgery and the patient pulls through.
The Vets and Nurses: So much knowledge! As a student, I love working with the experienced members of the team as I learn so much from being around them. They are patient and always happy to answer my questions, no matter how silly they sound.
Puppies and Kittens: They are the best! So cute and fluffy. A lot of people think we get to cuddle puppies and kittens all day, which is actually far from what we do. So, when I get a puppy/kitten cuddle, it’s a bonus and makes my day
If you're interested in a career in veterinary nursing like Lindsey. Visit our careers page to find out more.